BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF Murtaza Ahmadzada CMS Manager

MurtazaMurtaza Ahmadzada was born on February 18, 1994, in Kabul Province of Afghanistan where he went to Abdul Rahman Pazhwak High School. 
Mr. Murtaza Ahmadzada graduated from the computer science faculty of Kabul University in 2016 and got a BCS degree. He has more than Six-years of working experience as a CPO, Software & Systems Developer, and CMS Specialist in many governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Mr. Ahmadzada's first job was with Technation Private Company as a Web and Mobile application Developer for one year (2015 to 2016). After that, he worked for two years (2017 to 2019) as CPO (Cheif Product Officer) at Techlife Software Company, and Since 2019 he is working as CMS Manager of Afghanistan National Datacenter in the Ministry of Communication and information technology.


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